Julie Forbes, Ph.D.
Promoting Presence of Mind:
Reducing stress and anxiety,
Managing anger and pain,
Increasing wellness and insight
Consulting * Training * Coaching
Serving: Corporations * Groups * Individuals
(650) 323-2601
Read my blog: Minding Your Stress
All files are in .mp3 format. To open the guided practice in your media program, double-left click on the link. To download the file, right-click (or Control-click on the Mac) on the file and select “Save As” or “Save Link As”.
*All of these guided practices are copyrighted by Julie Forbes, Ph.D.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Guided Practices:
- Body Scan (30 minutes)
- Sitting With Awareness (30 minutes)
- Yoga Lying Postures (30 minutes)
- Yoga Standing Postures (30 minutes)
- Metta [LovingKindness] (30 minutes)
Additional Guided Practices:
- Mindfulness of the Breath (8 minutes)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation (15 minutes)
- Body Scan without Bells at the end (30 minutes)
Julie Forbes, Ph.D.
(650) 323-2601